Cohos Evamy
Envisioning the possibilities
Cohos Evamy, a visionary architectural firm with studios in Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary, wanted a website that would help them compete more effectively and attract new talent.
Their search for the ideal web partners led them to the team of Electramedia (a Toronto-based innovator in content management and web design) and SimpleLogic.
We used our experience in strategy development and website architecture to meet Cohos Evamy’s need to present themselves to the world in a fresh, appealing way.
We found ways to mirror the tone and culture of the firm through the site’s design, its content and the overall user experience. While showcasing their beautiful work was key, we also focused on Cohos Evamy’s “integrated design” philosophy and their commitment to sustainable design – key differentiators and elements they wanted to highlight to attract people who would share their commitment and approach.
Working with Electramedia, we created a dynamic, engaging site whose theme, “Designers of possibilities,” said it all. The new site generated rave reviews and caught the attention of a key target audience – within hours of going live, the firm began receiving emails from enthusiastic applicants.
The firm’s employees and clients loved the site and their partners were thrilled. (As were we, as a matter of fact!)